The International Association for Orthodontics has partnered with multiple vendors to create the IAO Market. Each retailer will have a dedicated page on the website. They can post items which they would like to provide discounts for IAO members. Said discounts will be on everything from supplies to equipment to educational opportunities.
As an IAO member, you will have exclusive access to the savings being provided by the IAO Market. Simply login to the members only section. Then hover over the IAO Market tab. A drop-down list will appear. Members can search through the list of vendor pages to see all the great discounts. Each time a new discount is loaded to a vendor page, an email alert will be sent to the entire membership.
This is only the initial offering of the IAO Market. The plan is to expand the number of vendors and product discounts. IAO Members will soon be able to access thousands of dollars in savings on supplies, equipment, education, and even corporate accounts. The goal is to save the average member well over the cost of annual dues while still providing other amazing benefits. Let’s make the size of our great organization work for you.